Monday, March 8, 2010

Mr. Sippy - Chronicles of Hoarsebox Week 4 (Saturday)

Wowee, Saturday was hella painful. Brock took Phil to Memphis in the morning. Phil slept the whole way there. Johnny went swimming again...dangerous, sexy and cool swimming with his heart pounding and his body sweating Rioja into the chlorine. Kieran woke Max up at 12 so he could fall down in the shower again. No real harm done, just good clean fun. Brock ferried the lads to the studio where Kieran was due to complete a leaden-headed and shaky-fingered bass part for “You lie, you get more.” He got stuck in without complaining as Max fell asleep on the comfy couch in the TV room dreaming of being asleep in his own bed and waking up in his dream to cups of tea and chocolate digestives and chocmallows and maybe a sneaky Kimberly Mikado...and while we're now in dreamland why not throw in four midgets dressed as the Beatles circa 1967 with bowler hairdos and all and maybe a golden condor who speaks of the devastation caused by the conquistadors before transforming into a pair of daisy duke shorts being worn by Peter Falk in Columbo and when I click my fingers you'll wake up...1,2,3...aaaaannnnddddd you're awake!

Thank goodness. The rest of the day was a bit of a blur to be honest. Kieran did some playing, Kyle did some comping, which is where he takes the bits we didn't fuck up and glues them all together so that we sound like accomplished musicians. God bless his cotton socks and celiac face. Max relaxed by reading the Hoarsebox blog. It's such fun...AHHHHD SAAAAYYY!!!. Maybe the truth should be told now and again he thinks so that people know just how hard they're all working and how little down time there is and how the music industry is so cruel but they're all banding together to make this experience a success and four become one without kissin' and all Max wants is to get a mohawk in the funny African American barbers and to eat a salad in Mississippi that doesn't comprise of meat, or fried catfish or blue cheese or nuts with gloop on it...lettuce is illegal...and one day we'll tell our children's children that we tasted life as not many people have, deep fried and smothered in Louisiana hot sauce with music on the side and plenty of unbridled fun to wash it all down. It has been quite an experience so far.

Maybe we ate Japanese food again...who knows, we were exhausted and running on sweetened fumes and who really cares? We were ready to rest on Sunday.

Posted via email from hoarsebox's posterous

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