Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Mr. Sippy - Chronicles of Hoarsebox Week 4 (Wednesday)


Started tracking “I won’t worry.” This tune will get us on whatever new show takes over the Grey’s Anatomy market. There will be a scene that features a young guy with floppy hair, who does a job that people who look like him could never do, like doctor or lawyer or some other crap, and he’ll be standing outside some young wan’s flat in the pissing rain, as she’s curled up in her dimly lit and tastefully decorated bedroom crying without running her perfect make-up. We will then be cashing our royalty checks for this housey/handbag ballad and going to Funderland for a week straight ridin’ all the rides and winning all the toys. WEEEEE!!!

Anyways, got the instrumentation done and Kyle hurled himself at the computer to put everything where it was supposed to be in the first place. He likes doing that like we like playing Pro Evo. He could do that stuff all day like we could Pro Evo, except we can drink and eat crisps and all that while we play our game, but he has to concentrate or people don’t get famous. We will thank him when we’re famous by bringing him to Funderland or maybe ice-skating in Smithfield. Went to Proud Larry’s for their 2 for 1 special night on burgers and domestics and wine. It’s funny, when you ask for the burger as part of the special, they think you want two burgers and two beers...for yourself! We had to be clear that we were going to essentially have a burger each cos having two is psychotic. We eat a lot but that’s filthy. Having said that, Kyle got two. But he is a celiac (Ahern) so he didn’t have no buns. He ingeniously put together a makeshift burger using the beef patties as buns and a slice of tomato and lettuce as the filling. He’s a hero. Watching him eat that was like watching the old people in “Cocoon” swimming in that pool full of alien fetuses, disgusting but also life-affirming. So, back to the studio to do some overdubs, keyboards, vocally things, Chinese burns, waterboarding, underarm farts, etc. Got what we needed to get done. Everyone was tired and cranky and in need of a rest so we went home to lay ourselves down in front of the fire and make sweet sweet love to ourselves.....or just watch sports and punch each other in the face. You choose. Bon nuit.

Posted via email from hoarsebox's posterous

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