Back into the studio for another round of dressing up in our finery, this time with make-up to cover the dullness of our winter faces and the portliness of our Christmas bellies. Lara brought all her brushes and paints and sprays and a make-up shotgun (we clearly don't know much about make-up) and made us feel like natural beauties. Check her out here: https://www.facebook.com/makeupbylara?v=info
Hugh, our valiant director, came up with some great ideas and we spent the day hoarsing around the studio like hyperactive little fellas literally dancing to the beat of our own drums. There was a motion control camera, green screen, all kinds of fancy junk. The setting was Looking Glass Studio in Dublin where the great Nico and his daughter Saskia put manners on their camera rig and made it follow us around controlling it with what looked like a Commodore 64 computer. Maybe they were playing Commando or Jet Set Willy the whole time while the camera did its own thing. We don't know. Regardless, they were ultra professional and very nice and accommodating and made the whole experience a breeze.
Niall in Noho is editing everything and it looks great so far. It's all starwipes and jump cuts and he's swapped all out heads for the heads of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. That's what the green screen was for. He's placing us in Moore Street selling fruit and veg and international calling cards. Should be pretty hip. Then we appear as Dogtanian and the Three Muskethounds fighting the evil Cardinal Richelieu's henchmen on the Millennium Falcon, where Chewbacca's in a bubble bath shaving his legs. That bit's pretty gross but that's art. Anyway, the video will be a representation of our dreams, a visual journey to the outer reaches of our collective imagination. A treatise on the wonder of idiosyncratic expression and the magic of hair and make-up.
The song's not bad either.
It'll be out soon. We'll keep you posted.
Bye bye.
Nice one, lads - can't wait to see the video! greetings from freezing Germany ;)