Saturday, May 1, 2010

Mr. Sippy - Chronicles of Hoarsebox 2 (Week 1)

Got one of the first transatlantic flights out of Ireland after the volcano blah. It was nice. They had waiters and waitresses who brought you drinks and a choice of pasta or chicken and there were movie screens showing queen Victoria in a film about the queen...Victoria I think. I don't know if she was as pretty as Emily Blunt but if she was then DEADLY! And there were toilets with toilet paper, paper towels AND napkins and running water, which is amazing seeing as you're flying so high.

Went to Fredricksburg, Virginia to do a gig at the University of Mary Washington. She was George's ma and was probably partly responsible for him being a bit of a rebel an all. She obviously never told him NO! It was an outdoor student festival type thing and the students liked us and we put in a workmanlike effort in the sunshine. Max and Philip had a fight in the inflatable jousting ring. Round one went to Max for his cheeky stick to the face a split second after the ref had called the commencement of the joust. Phil flew from his post and his cushioned landing was met with cheers from the Max camp, which consisted of two girls dressed as Telly Tubbies. Round 2 lasted an eternity in comparison to the first, (maybe 5 seconds) with both fighters trading bouncy blows before Philip delivered a telling dig and sent Max flailing to the inflated canvas. A gaggle of Asian Americans punched the air in celebration and shouted encouraging words to their new hero Phil, who could now sense the balance of power shifting to his side. Both fighters climbed back on to their perches and held their weapons up. Eye to eye, strike for strike, the battle raged like when your internet doesn't work and you were happily checking facebook or something and then you can't and it's so annoying or whatever...anyway, they hit each other at the same time and both fell but Phil landed first, I suppose because he's a bit heavier than Max and Max won. Winning is cool.

Had quesadillas and Coronas in Carlos O'Kelly's Mexican Cafe. Weird name, nice guacamole. Flew to Memphis and were met by our trusted driver and confidante, Brock "Brockodile Dundee" Hudson. Oxford is the same, just hotter. The lads had a few days to settle before starting work so they joined the University gym and started to get their summer bods ready for sexy season. Swimming, weights, sunbeds, detox and.....maybe more fried chicken and the occasional swim actually. Anyways, went to a party the other night with our thespian friends who put us up against the "Cheese Wall" and made us ham it up for their cameras. The Cheese Wall is where you can express all the things you are in any way you see fit. To say it's liberating is like saying a duck's ass is water tight. We felt beautiful and the moment was ours to keep forever.

Wrote 3 new songs yesterday and they're good. Maybe one day people will hear them and enjoy them and pay for us all to get DaVinci veneers and boob jobs on our faces and all that other cool rich person shit. Maybe we'll be able to afford to build a Cheese Wall the size of the Great Wall of China and people from all over the world will unite to light up the night with their happy posing and embarrassing dancing. Wars will end and pain and hunger done away with and happiness will reign supreme.....and we'll have boobs on our faces. Boobs are cool.

There's a lightening storm. We're inside, comfy and content and hungover. We'll sleep now.
Good night.

Posted via email from hoarsebox's posterous

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