Max's Birthday Celebrations:
Up at early o'clock cos our bodily timers are shot to bits. Purchase an American style football and a european style soccer ball that we throw and kick for a little while before putting on our glad rags and our faces and swallow the first beer to celebrate Max's to Oxford town for a couple two three delicious red stripes in Proud Larry's, the scene of one of the least packed and most fun gigs in Southern United States history. Then off to 2 Stick Japanese restaurant for lunch. Sushi and hot soups and bleedin' rapid tempura to go with the more red stripes an all. Wander across the street to Parrish's bar for pool-playing and whiskey. Kieran shows everyone why he's loved and hated in equal measure for his billiards "smack talk," Max knocks the lights hanging over the table clean off and fumbles around trying to fix it without falling down or breaking his legs or spilling everyone's drinks or melting chocolate on his own face...We were joined by friends we met last time we were here. We give them big hugs.
Move on to City Grocery...Max doesn't remember anything past the pool table but Johnny, Kieran and Phil head round the corner for pizza in Square Pizza where they grab the guitar the owner is playing and tell him, "it's grand, we're a band doing an album of songs with ...of... a place Oxford town...rock'n'roll thing...something blah blah...WHA!" He asks them for a song and they do an improvised rendition of Beyonce Knowles' Crazy in Love. Apparently it sounded bad and the owner thought they were serious...apparently they were serious. It took Kieran half an hour to tune the guitar. He gave them eleventeen rounds of pizza, they dropped some on the ground but didn't eat it...but Kieran did eat it. Then back to City Grocery where Max was holding up the bar with his jaw. Phil laughed at Max because he looked silly. Aaron the fantabulous barman/singer/songwriter gave them all the drink they could not handle very well but...blah blah...something something...and they all got up early again the next day.
Stay tuned for day 3 when Hoarsebox eat more fried chicken and buy another American football.
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